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Mini Computers

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I'll give it some thought, DG.  Can I ask what made you buy the Windows 10 mini PC in the first place?


--- Quote from: Simon on January 21, 2019, 08:47 ---I'll give it some thought, DG.  Can I ask what made you buy the Windows 10 mini PC in the first place?

--- End quote ---

  To be honest I don't know why I bought it! Boredom I think. Retirement breeds boredom-saw it advertised and thought that looks good. More money wasted. Id forgotten what a pain Windows was  :crazy: :crazy:

I'm an expert at wasting money - join the club!   ;D

Hello Mate- Have you thought anymore about switching to Mac. You can get some real quality ones refurbished . Im happy about switching back My Mac is superb. Wouldn't want to go back to Windows now.  :thumb:

Hi DG, no, I think I'll stick to what I've got for now.  That said, I did have a problem the other day and my Windows 10 laptop needed completely restoring, which has taken a couple of days.   :facepalm:


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